Monday, March 31, 2008

Brewgrass Festival A Celebration of Gods

Asheville North Carolina-stop-September 07-stop-Home Brew-stop-Blue Grass-stop- joined ear to pallet-stop-why are these people just sitting-stop-one man with a beer-stop-One Price Each Beer Free Then-stop-when did I start hanging around fools-stop-FREE BEER-stop-YOU PAID THE GATE-stop-for Christs sake!
The photo was staged nothing so ridiculous as this would be permitted in my world. However I noticed while digitizing this moment the symbolism; only one person had a beer,yet all of them were being force feed blue grass.I do like bluegrass, and I also like beer, which brings me to my point. Where can a man go these day to be force fed beer? Yes strip clubs but...Look free beer a bargain is a bargain is good business.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

I was tagged and so is you.

Zen Wizard

This is some sort of weird tag that I am obliged to follow despite the fact that I was not notified that I was involved in this group tagging aka grouping. My six word bio can be read after the rules...

"1) Write your own six-word memoir about yourself.

2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.

3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.

4) Tag five more blogs with links.

5) And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!"

My Dark Secret
I wear costumes covered with mud.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Grave Danger

I posted about this grave awhile back and discovered the photo again while sorting through my files. I am curious about this road hazard. I live within an hour’s drive from this site and had not heard of it until a friend took me by it on the way back from a job site. I took photos and still wonder why these remains remain in the middle of a rural road in mid-southern Indiana. It is a great conversation starter, if you are down there but as I have said before, no gift shops or commerce taking place, just a grave in the middle of the road waiting for the right driver to run smack dab into the retaining wall. I can't help but think grandma would be to happy after given a number of years to ponder her plot,that she was poised and ready to create another traffic statistic. Perhaps its time a great, great grandchild stood up to the plate and gave the go ahead to move the plot. Odd JW


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Self Discovery aint a Cake Walk

Self tagulation is I have discovered to much like self flagellation. I have thought really hard, about things I do not know and it is really taxing on my mind, body and conscience. There are things I did not know that I do not care to reveal there are things I discovered that made me very tired, depressed and lethargic. Tired, depressed and lethargic is something I do not strive for so I am ending my quest within myself. I think I will focus on things I think when I am on a caffeine high, or after a couple of pulls from the bottle. I guess what my point is I am going to think positive and stop wasting my time trying to figure out things I do not know about myself. I will discover this stuff as I bounce through this self discovery faze, all the while trapped behind a wall of skin my parents named Josh…Kind Regards JW


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Self Tagulation

Well it has been a few days since I posted. I have been busy working, not for myself but to help generate tax revenue for Uncle Sam. I am going to do a little something different and tag myself (maybe not so different) and reveal several things I did not know about myself. Feel free to tag yourself, here or elsewhere just keep in mind it is more fun if you are brutally honest about yourself. So I will start with number one and then end when the phone rings.

1: I did not know until just a few short minutes ago that I was going to tag myself.

2: I have know idea what I don't know about myself but like the challenge.

3: I do not know what photo I will use to illustrate this post.

4: Why will the phone not ring? I did not know I would be thinking this...

5: I did know I would run out of ideas about things I do not know about myself but I just do not know when the phone will save me?

6: I am probably impossibly handsome.

7: I did not know that I was going to call my home phone on my cell phone...

Gotta go the phone is ringing.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

my provocant wife free movies

I find these searches fun, but then again this is my site,these poor mule dung souls have discovered. This is not my fault.

I have been working more than usual so I do not have much to say,which might explain why, when all is done I stare at the search page and chuckle. Of course I understand that my fascination also has a link to my vanity...Someone, even if they are looking for "my provocant wife free movies" has discovered that I exist.
I included a photo to liven up the post, I found a great online company that only charges me $75.00 per view of this stock photo. Pretty cheap when you consider the time they spend sending out valuable offers like the one I latched onto. JW

hed Keywords
Mar 14, 2008 00:45:20 my provocant wife free movies (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 23:36:19 hashes indiana (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 20:42:03 mule bodybuilder (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 17:03:28 josh williams dr who (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 16:40:39 backdoor adventures (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 15:38:11 henry thomas fishin blues lyrics (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 15:23:49 chuck sun (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 15:11:02 roscoe's tacos (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 12:37:29 michael monteleone lord buckley (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 08:09:54 war prayer+clemens (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 02:12:26 barium milkshake (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 02:12:23 barium milkshake (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 02:03:23 "stephen wacker" indianapolis (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 01:38:23 el chupa cabre (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 01:16:22 custom van+plexiglass dog house (GoogleSearch)
Mar 13, 2008 01:06:40 madmans magnifying trick (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 22:09:13 joshua pitt sailing results (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 21:18:35 "real laplaine" los angeles ca (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 19:47:35 clipper marine blogspot (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 19:34:25 atv, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, carpal tunnel (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 18:33:46 hippy cow (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 17:31:50 triptych alterpieces (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 15:01:23 hippy cow (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 02:55:47 tilburg dutch brown ale poster (GoogleSearch)
Mar 12, 2008 00:11:57 vic krause (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 22:15:21 bark busters criticism (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 22:05:13 @.mule google (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 21:37:13 ktm adventure (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 21:35:04 mule flat track (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 21:34:48 mule flat track (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 20:13:42 peeing off boat (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 19:52:47 handsome stood close musk -she -her (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 19:16:56 billyboydee (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 16:17:18 ferret legging photo (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 16:02:21 josh williams band and girlfriend (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, 2008 14:21:03 narrow dog (GoogleSearch)


Monday, March 10, 2008

Google Search offers My Mule?

Recent Google search:What were these poor souls looking for?

Mar 11, :58:23 barium milkshake (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, :37:46 how many teaspoons of castor oil to shit (GoogleSearch)
Mar 11, :02:52 burn fiberglass dangers (GoogleSearch)
Mar 10, :58:09 blender submersible (GoogleSearch)
Mar 10, :25:28 poo lord of my ring (GoogleSearch)
Mar 10, :59:44 uncle josh's pontoon boats (YahooSearch)
Mar 10, :24:07 roscoe's tacos (GoogleSearch)
Mar 10, :15:31 endurocross wiki (GoogleSearch)
Mar 10, :39:43 "sears mini bike" (GoogleSearch)
Mar 10, :21:35 ktm lc4 2001 (GoogleSearch)
Mar 9, :27:46 mule riding youtube (GoogleSearch)
Mar 9, :39:38 scientology (GoogleSearch)
Mar 9, :02:37 photo ktm super duck (GoogleSearch)
Mar 9, :30:15 motorcyclist magazine november 2007 (GoogleSearch)
Mar 9, :21:13 fork blogger moto-cross (GoogleSearch)
Mar 9, :15:10 supermoto ktm (GoogleSearch)
Mar 9, :30:18 "xr650 supermotard (GoogleSearch)
Mar 8, :48:25 "jimmy webb" + blogspot + "richard... (GoogleSearch)
Mar 8, :20:32 chupacabra (GoogleSearch)
Mar 8, :33:54 face shields weedeater (YahooSearch)
Mar 8, :16:53 march break waterloo (GoogleSearch)
Mar 8, :34:09 "world tour" triumph motorcycle scrambler (GoogleSearch)
Mar 8, :32:54 great moto adventures (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :47:02 "ron turcotte" brother (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :43:18 paint with mule stick (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :19:10 porno yungs (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :28:59 enuches (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :13:46 "terry sexton" usfs (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :30: little suzy's zoo duck material (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :06:11 photos of hopewell rocks high tide versus low tide (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :26:49 what did the infinite space theory say (GoogleSearch)
Mar 7, :15:19 how much does a mule cost today (GoogleSearch)
Mar 6, :20:36 character builds picture (GoogleSearch)
Mar 6, :44:31 clubs crew mule (GoogleSearch)
Mar 6, :21:02 narrow dog to indian river (GoogleSearch)
Mar 6, :05:34 roxi williams (GoogleSearch)
Mar 6, :43:26 ktm glasses (GoogleSearch)
Mar 6, :18:29 yungs boy gay (GoogleSearch)
Mar 6, :22:42 barium milkshake (GoogleSearch)
Mar 6, :39:06 "josh williams" lowell, in (GoogleSearch)
Mar 5, :58:18 willing suspension of disbelief in shakespeares julius... (GoogleSearch)
Mar 5, :47:32 "band of brothers" "brave the winter" (GoogleSearch)
Mar 5, :39:35 bark buster criticism (GoogleSearch)

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

To Photo Shop and The Rules

Lord Dead Saguaro

Whooping Cough

I was looking through a photo site and discovered a photograph which I thought was striking. Then I wondered how did such a long exposure (surf is blurred) be snapped at such an angel that the photo of a the lighthouse is crystal clear. Then I thought it was taken from a larger, taller, better lighthouse, with the new improved Fresnel lens with the standard double your lifetime guarantee every time 24/7. Finally I realized, photo shop!
For a period of time there will always be people who demand the decisive moment photography and those that love the photo shopped artistry. I for one am all for this step in self-expression. I do realize that photography had its illusionists, then along came airbrush then came Kong (photo shop). I welcome Kong or the other versions of Kong; I would love not for the sake of repression or “artistic statement” Just because I am done with trying to figure out if its real or contrived. I propose some sort of symbol at the lower right hand corner of the picture, invisible to the naked eye, for a small fee say $50.00 you can purchase (straight from My Mule) the right shade of eye glass's to see if its real or if it has a middle man.
This was kinda heavy and I didn’t mean to lay this weight on anyone’s shoulders its just that I need help with this one question. Thank you in advance JW

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Avett Brothers Ride with me Across NC

You may have heard me talk about my drive back from the Coast of NC to Indianapolis. I only had a three CD's two of them the Dropkick Murphys to keep me awake and the Avett Brothers which I listened to over and over again on my 880 mile drive.Great ride, great stereo, great link to my roots in Ohio to North Carolina to Indianapolis all mentioned in their CD Emotionalism which I had first heard about from sleekpelt. Thanks Mr Pelt and most of all thanks to the Avett Brothers, keep making noise.Thank you also Dropkick Murphys, you all may have caused me serious hearing loss, but the good kind I suppose.

Monday, March 03, 2008

My Fall From Grace

About halfway through the video you will see a man in red with the #127 on his number plate, he will take a great fall into the pool of sharks. What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas... not true.
I went to Vegas in November to fall/ride my brothers bike in the relatively new sport of enduro-cross. I for the sake of pleasing the crowd staged this fall. Your welcome enduro-cross I am the guy who fell backwards into the hot pool of lava, I shook it off and finished my practice lap.Yes this is for true other than the part about the sharks and the lava. JW

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

I Broke Everything

I changed my template because I thought it might correct all the other blunders I had made working on my old template. So I have lost all my link list...This will be on the horizon. I have an unfortunate inability to follow or at least read instructions...

Eire and the Lost Journal

I visited Ireland in 1999 with a few of my buddies that had all just recently been through divorce, one fella who as far as I know had never been married, brought his girlfriend. What a grand trip we rented two compact cars and for 10 day’s roamed around. I kept a short journal for two days and gave up all attempts. I just found the journal while looking for a title to a car I finally sold that has sat derelict for two years.
7/3 Arrived Shannon visit (illegible) for some blood pudding at O’Coonols Sq…To Doolen to stay at the Rainbow Hostel-Minor sleepwalk episode- Kelly & Cheri from Colorado-Kelley was a writer and loved T.S. Elliot, I assured her I would read the hell out of him. Kelly and Cheri took Mike, some weird hostel guy and myself to O’Donaless (sp) in Fanore , for some very, very bad music. A band so bad that a Holiday Inn would reject their audition tape. Kelly and Cheri were very gracious and returned us to the Rainbow. I promptly went to bed and then woke up in the morning in different room; a stranger was in the other bed. I was more than a little confused walked around the room to look out the window and decided I was upstairs at the same hostel, or I hoped it was…I walked out of the bedroom straight into a bathroom, found my money belt in front of the toilet grabbed my the belt and then took a long ponderous pee. Found the stairs to the first floor while in nothing but my undies, when I met a surly gent who said “this is a private residence” I replied “ I must have been sleep walking” he replied “right”. Kelly and Cheri both complemented my handwriting and were very sincere.
7/4 Galway stayed at Great Western Hostel, walked to Kings Head EST 1649 and watched a Hurling match then to Busker Browns , great crab. To Italian place for outside beers by the Liffy (river) To Leaison Place met heavy smokin’fun girl Britts “Americans are to healthy and boring”. To Quay (key) for Meatloaf impersonator. Home to bed.
Really most of this only makes since to me, but it does remind me much of what I had forgotten, I should have continued with the journal. But I did take photos, slides alas and I have not digitized them…Take notes and pictures it helps.

Real Men Pee Outside

I do admit I was fascinated by the sign and since I have not heard back from zen on maybe making a deal for some real folding cash.I thought I would post another photo of the same which shows more detail than the previous photograph, this sign is for sale to the highest bidder, yes this includes the new Dubai Louvre.
The Some Place Else place did not have many customers and during the winter they shut off the water so as to save money and the pipes from freezing we were forced to use the planets toilet, out front on the board walk. Which brings me to the point, I like peeing outside and I would wager if poled, most men would admit the same. Now if you were raised in the city which does not afford such a luxury, I am not bragging or suggesting you are a know nothing city slicker, because deep down I know you would love to free your self from the surly bonds of neighbors and just let 'er rip! Also ladies, say what you will about men and most likely you will be right, but when it comes to the freedom to pee at the drop of a nickel, we have you beat hands down!

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