Vote and I will Tell you Why!
Of course this has nothing to do with politics but does contain some pretty damn good science.
Three weeks ago I was eating a banana and drinking coffee in my home office. The fact that my home office is on the upper level I did not feel like walking down the stairs to throw away a soft quick to rot banana peel, so I thought "hell just flush it down the crapper" which I did and well you know this was just bad science.
First of all we all know Thomas Crapper invented the flush toilet, Mr Crapper would probably be rolling in is grave if he discovered that someone from an advanced society would dare try to flush a banana peel down a toilet.
In my own defense I have to say, if you lay a banana on say, a bed stand, within three weeks it has withered into nothing but dead fruit flies and a waning bad odor.
However the waters of the crapper are like those of the sea, always willing to teach you a new lesson.
Lesson learned, now Poseidon of the Crapper will you grant me a pardon, I knew bananas where supposed to be bad luck on a boat, but I was not trying to sail anything in my half bath. Forgive me and I will promise never to try to flush a banana peel down the crapper again.Unless forced at gunpoint of course and...well all bets are off at this point, I have to go through the motions stall wait for the moment and disarm the bandits. Thanks in advance Poseidon, your buddy JW
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