Thursday, July 12, 2007

Raising Money "Lost Across America"

I leave tomorrow 7/13/07 to pick up a 640 KTM Adventure. I recently purchased this bike from a friend in Medford New Jersey and plan to ride it home. However I am famous for my poor sense of direction so I have decided to make this a fundraiser. For every mile I am lost people can pledge money, the proceeds will be used to buy Travels with Roscoe. The books can be sent to poor children in third world countries, given to family, friends, the ignorant neighbor who needs to see the light, or just put it away in a climate controlled safe for a surefire investment for your future.
You are welcome to follow my travels at The kind and gentlepeople at Trail Rider, will post my updates and will do their best by use of triangulation and stuff to determine where I am, I wish them luck. Lost across America is tax a deductible project as long as you are not audited, never mention this blog or anyone associated with it if you are...K?
This is on the honor system. I will keep track of the miles I am lost and you pledge a penny a dime or even $100.00 per mile, then you do the math and buy however many books that you owe the fund. On a journey such as this so many things could go wrong, so I have to shorten this post so I can work on my list of "things that can go wrong".

Thank you for your support JW

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sailing Wind Scoops and Stuff

Shop for your sweety, buy her the latest Travels with Roscoe shipped fresh from across the pond. Kind Regards Roscoes publicist who is even beginning to grate on Roscoes nerves...JW
Buy it here.