The Decisive Moment

I have studied photography for years.I had my first darkroom when I was twelve. I pursued this interest throughout my life. I experimented with different films and styles and finally stuck with straight forward photography. Photo shop, can duplicate my early infra red efforts and darkroom magic, double exposures etc. I have also discovered with the advent of so many quality point and shoot cameras that if you give an infinite number of neophytes an infinite number of cameras, eventually someone is going to create a masterpiece.
This is a picture of Boz my former advisor. I am jealous of the photo because it truly captures the "decisive moment" to quote Henri Cartier Bresson who is quoted below. This photo is a masterpiece created by a neophyte, he caught the decisive moment , something I have been struggling my whole life to achieve. I hang my head in shame, life is not fair and so what~` I will carry on by God with the full knowledge there is little chance of matching let alone eclipsing the artistry in this photograph. JWW
Henri quote:
For me the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity, the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously. In order to "give a meaning" to the world, one has to feel involved in what one frames through the viewfinder. This attitude requires concentration, discipline of mind, sensitivity, and a sense of geometry. It is by economy of means that one arrives at simplicity of expression.
To take a photograph is to hold one’s breath when all faculties converge in a face of fleeing reality. It is at that moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.
To take a photograph means to recognize – simultaneously and within a fraction of a second– both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning.
It is putting one’s head, one’s eye, and one’s heart on the same axis.
Henri Cartier Bresson
Josh i think its brave of you to publish this picture of Boz lifting your skirt.
You are an officer and a gentleman.
How in the hell did you know...DOH!
Boz just left my house. He told me....
Now that is the head-eye-heart axis; a masterpiece of contemporary photorealism. I've been waiting for sooo long for you to post your pic, Josh!
Was this taken at one of your famous family reunions? You should really wear panties, you know.
p.s. picnic tip: panties will keep the ants out of your basket.
Josh, I could make a cheap joke at your expense like the others have done, lord knows that is usually my style, but I'm not going to... You know why? Because I don't want my unkind words to detract from the monumental grace and beauty of that great work of art which you have presented here.
JJ: AH!.....I see the plot thickens.
ing:Thanks for apppreciating the artistry involved. Yeah, I discovered later about the panties thing. I'll remember that little saying about my basket next time for sure.We got fire ants here in Indy. Basket en Fuego!
Sombrero11:Thanks dude, fine art like music can warm the coldest of hearts. This piece will one day find itself hanging in the fucking Louve.
azhootie: Stomach bile, happens to the best of us..
le:What "ing" said on her first comment. As for what is in his hand, sweet beer, the arbiter of good judgment.
I think your boobies are hot!! The way they sag down over the fat like that is wonderful.
You have a great eye for capturing art.
Blood: alas thems not my boobies and with more sadness I report I did not take this photo.I live with this fact everyday. Thanks anyway JW
it truly captures the decisive moment... you're so right... just do it... yuk... :)
Mone: Thanks for your support, I apologise for your nausea, sometimes great art inspires one to pitch lunch.
An interesting side note The Louve called and they are looking into doing a 6 month resoration on the Mona Lisa and asked the where abouts and availabilty of this Photograph to replace the void left by her absence. Pretty cool huh?
Don't send them the picture Josh. Don't. Le Louvre is in Italy, you know. You would have to speak Italian for the duration of the restoration.
Here's the magic phrase for when you're running around looking for the Louvre with your camera in hand:
Mi scusi, ma le dà fastidio se la fisso per un momento? Voglio ricordarmi il suo viso nei miei sogni.
Works like a charm, it does.
Hey, Josh, how do you say Zzzzzzzzzz in Italian? Or are snores the universal language? I'm sure you know. . .
JJ: Don't you worry, I have spent a great deal of time in Italy. I am a Battle of Hasting's reinactor, we all gather once a week at 10:66 AM and beat the shit out of one another. Trust me I know what I'm doing. I think its sweet that you show such concern, dang you good people.
ing: My Italian is pretty good, but I question yours...I translated what you wrote, while I had one hand tied behind my back and here is what I came up with.
"Me excuses, but gives annoyance if the fixed one to them for a moment? I want to remember its ace in my dreams." ZZZZZZSSZZZZZ is the proper translation for ZZZZZZZZZZZ are you testing me for some sort of secret spy job? I kinda remind myself of Mr Bond so if you are, that cool. JW
Wow, good translation! Just, um, just say it a lot when you're running around in Italy and you'll get loads of pictures.
In terms of the spy job, no. I was just wondering if night-time Josh was easily translatable. But I'm sure you have mucho in common with Mr. Bond. Which do you resemble most -- Roger Moore? Sean Connery? Piers Brosnan? Or one of those old guys whose name I can't rememeber?
ing: Sean Connory of course.
Josh, you are a handsome devil.
Josh I want to help too. I did some research on Italy for you. It's located in the United States just next to mexico and it's where lasagne was invented.
And we all know what 'bowls of lasagne' is another word for??
ing: Call me 007
Carla:I'm going straight to map quest my travel agent has been screwing me! "bowls of lasagne" Yeah duh! I'm worldly. JW
Egads man! Warn me when I've been away when I need to take my specs off.
Mole people, pants ferrets, and now this. You are a man of many talents.
CC: Your very diplomatic, a man of many talents. Thanks JW
Josh, i just found out that the italian word for beer is "mierde"...let me know if you need to learn any other words....
JJ: or birra, I have found that if you say beer with a funny accent just about anywhere not in the good ole USofA it translates well.
Now while your in the States it is custom when at fine eating/drinking establishments to take off ones shirt/blouse and put your cowboy boots on the table and yell Ash Tray , where is my fucking Ash Tray. You will recieve great service. Also USAians are very insulted if you leave a gratuity.Thanks travel tip buddy.
Le: With all due respect what does Franch have to do with the Louve and artistic midgets photographs? I'm thrown off thought. Kind Regards JW
You get even better service if you do all that Josh recommends, + you don't shave your pits. And when your glass is empty, yell "Beer me up!"
ing is right Jane, you might consider shaving one pit so as to make fart sounds hand and pit method.
Roxi: As you well know if you type with your eyes closed it is translated into brail which can be read on expensive brail monitors, which I own. Roxi why are you not at the Michigan party tonight? Oh, I forgot your temporarily blind,WHY ARE YOU NOT AT THE MICHIGAN PARTY TONIGHT? Peace Trails JW
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