I Toad You!

I have been working 36/8 so have found little time to live my life, relax, read, write book reviews, save people from imminent peril etc. I have been forced to plagiarize and such for posts.Why? Because toilet shamed me into believing I lost it...How he knew being interneticly challanged as Roscoe suggested I just dont know~`
Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again?
Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!
Don: Did you shoot any?
Napoleon Dynamite: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that?
Don: What kind of gun did you use?
Napoleon Dynamite: A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think?
just post pictures of vaginas Josh...
Two of them. In dialogue. With links.
Boys will put ANYTHING in their mouths.
Cappy, that'd be a good idea except, well, I'm afraid that if you fell in you'd be lost forever -- we're not simply talking The Bermuda Triangle, dollyman.
I LOVE that movie!
Dollyman? Me too, Crabby. Especially the part where Clark Gable gets lost in the plastic-limb-department and can't find his own ass; what a caper that was!
CC: Yer skiles ye they be happy aboard me blog.
JJ: Post them on the internet?
ing: Where the hell have you been? The Vagina dialogs or maybe I could have them behave real dominant and controlling and call it the Vagina Demagogue's.
CC: ye got a fair wind blowing bloing in your mind. Just keep on thinkin'.
Shitz: No they will not.
ing: Cappy forgets himself sometimes.
CC: Good flick. thats my review.
ing: you aint shittin' that was one crazy movie!
Josh, how about this for a title: Les Damoiselles d'Vaginon. Classy, eh? Sort of Left-Banky-bohemian? They, the two Vags, could argue vehemently about art whilst sipping burgundy.
ing: I love it when you speak European...Very classy. Dang!
Ing, can your vagina do a European accent? i'm game - i will supply the talking australian accent vagina...
No, but my vag can fake it pretty well. This will be like one of those sock puppet shows -- yay!!!!!
oh dear. Ing's vagina is going to be talking in tongues....
Not talking, Jane, taking. 'Course it's impolite to talk with your mouth full, so I'll wait until the commercial break.
ing & Jane: Sounds like you are really in for this theatrical breakthrough! I have a bunch of sockw with holes in them we can do the show in or should we cansider clamation, I think I know where to get some clay. What they hell they going to talk about, how about you ladies figure out dialog production finances and stuff and I'll do some behind the scenes promo stuff. This could really be the break we have been waitingfor, hell we will break into the mainstream with this one! JW
Ing, are you sure your Vag is not possessed. Jane maybe your Vag could perform an exorcism on Ing's Vag. I'll send Cappy for some holywater, Josh I hope you dont mind, but I think your blog is going to get messy.
Blood: sometimes these things happen, no problem.
Every single woman's got the devil inside. . . bring on the holy water.
ing: Working as planned, I have contolling stock in a holy water company! I'm RICH! RICH! Yes, get ya some holy water today! BUYBUY BUY!
I'm so confused. frogs jumping into the mouths of children, vaginas talking right and left.
...my penis only sings. ...and ususally just showtunes. I am so fucking sick of my cock singing "Somewhere" I could, um, croak.
Right-ho. I couldn't find any holy water, so i have beer instead. My vagina is not speaking with an australian accent at present - in fact i can only get it to speak Zulu right now. Ing's vagina seems to be singing in French,
Josh you are Master of Ceremonies right?
MM:JJ:Matt:ing: Where is this show going to open? Do we have a script? Should it be improv? I'm going to try to genreate some revenue on the lords day, but all the while I will be doing some pretty heavy head thinking about this projuct. JW
Thanks Toilet, you good people.
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