When I am not working or posting/commenting you can find me here. Working on my boat and thinking about how I am going to make money, while chewing the fat with the dock rummy's and if I have the time, saving the world. No small order but I don't take orders well so they may as well be large. JW
Oh, that sounds nice.
It is. As much as I hate working on my boat it is still a pleasure once I am motivated and working. Then I pitch pennies with the rummy's and have them fetch me cold beers from the dock freezer.
Le: Yes you sure are damned straight!
That's a great photo! Boats are cool.
I spent all day at work on Thursday outside fixing my boat. It was warm and sunny, with a cool breeze coming off of the lake. Now it's cloudy and cold, and I have the worst case of spring fever I've ever had.
Oh, that looks like a wonderful place to spend time!
In Seattle, I liveed on a 27-foot launch for a while. Freezing! But a lovely place at night. It always smells nice next to the water. I slept like the dead.
Rae: Thankee, thankee very much.
Somb. From the Wind in the Willows:`Believe me, my young friend, there is NOTHING--absolute nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Simply messing,' he went on dreamily: `messing--about--in--boats; messing----'
Lee: Yes its a good place to not worry.
ing: Thats cool, grooming becomes more efficient I would imagine. I like to crash on the boat on occasion, your right the sleep is sound.
Kristie: I have a little French helper monkey. I would hire a frenchman to help me but they are to lazy to work.That answer you question my little rifle dropping friend.
We used to have a boat. Sigh. Then we moved. Oh well, we'd need a bigger one anyway, now. "Sail's the thing!" :o)
candace: yeah I know sail the thing, but dang thats a lot of work and besides, its always broken.
Dude, how do you break a sailboat?
Well, I guess some of the guywires for the mast were starting to fray. Maybe ours was just too simple to have anything go really wrong. It was a Ghost 13.
Candace: My first boat was a Ghost 13 I bought it in 1980 and even wrote a short "you think that was stupid" story the Latitudes and Attitudes gladly published gratis, its somewhere on this site.
I bought a 1973 26' Clipper Marine. Its a small reservoir I sail but very pleasant, no jet skies or motors over 10hp. So no skiers and buzz you. Believe me there is always work on an old boat,but its sometimes fun to tinker. This spring I have to re-rig the head sail which was torn off in a storm, fix my motor (to get out of the cove)replace the bilge pump, mop and clean and wax,replace some halyards and maybe some lines, trouble shoot the running lights after all that or instead of all that It's sometimes just more pleasant to plop down on the resident bean bag chair and read or just look at things and sip a beer. Heh, yeah I remember the ghost.
Ok, I see how that could be more work than a little fibreglass tub with 2 sails and a centreboard, LOL!
Nice boat you have there! Looks just right for my family! (4 kiddos - looks like she sleeps 6 - perfect! :o) )
I want to get back out on the water. Sigh.
Candace: an old tub like mine is great for inland waters, it would take a major refit to do any blue water sailing. Not going to happen, my folks live on the NC coast so if I want to do open water boating its just airfare. My boat is more of a headquaters for me to hatch crackpot plans on saving the world and making lots of money.
Kristie: Google it my friend.
LOL! Got it. Kind of a Zen and the Art of Not Sailing sort of thing.
Why is Christophe wearing a dicky?
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What's a dicky? Is it one of those fake turtleneck things you wear under a sportscoat to make it look as though you're wearing a shirt? A simulated shirty-thing?
If so, then maybe he's wearing it to hide what's going on outside the frame of the picture? Like, maybe he's nude and riding a little pink unicorn through a field of daffodils while holding a basket of fruit?
Whatever the reason, I do hope that's not a dicky.
While sailing you want to save the world?
Well at least an idea. I'm still in the thinking stage, still havent found a way to save the world...
A yes I just posted on my blog about the season being upon us getting that itch to go out!!! Long time no hear from!! Peace out!
Candace: Yes, Zen and the Art or Sailboat Neglect. I am sure its not your Dickey, probably.
ing: A dickey is a turtle neck that just covers the to part of your body, so when you wear a shirt it looks like a turtle neck, I posted a good definition on Kristies site. He will not tell me if its a dickey or a true turtle neck but was intrigued when I asked he he spent time alone with a log roll from Stuckeys in bed nude but for his dickey.
Mone: I've got a plan its kind of grisley and will require a lot of discomfort for everyone but me and whoever coughs up so cash.
BILL: Hell I remeber the first time you commented last spring and it was about boating, the itch is growing stronger. Cool beans JW
I dream of the boat ... but am always too busy with crockpot ... err ... crackpot plans of my own to find time to do it again.
Last boat I owned was 15 years ago.
It was an Olympic Finn. 'bout the size of a Laser ... only with almost twice the sail area.
The cockpit was too small for two people, but you really needed two people (esp. with my skill level) to maneuver.
I spent a lot of time righting her. Maybe more than sailing.
Did I mention I drink a lot?
Neighbor had a 23' Hunter few years ago. Used to like to go drink beer on that ... even when it wasn't in the water.
Glenn: Thats what this boat was designed for, and if I become the dock rummy, I have a place to sleep it off and then the clubhouse has a shower to wash off the vomit and such. Yes I have drank beer on the boat out of the water, its designed for that as well. Hunter makes a real nice boat, the Olympic Finn sounds fickle, need stout gimbles for your beer.
I had a Lighting class sloop a few years ago it had an 18' wooden mast, when I took the mast down I dropped it and whatched it shatter into five sections. I parked the thing for a couple of years then struck up a conversation with a gentlman who liked Lightings,he said he used to have one but it burnt up in a barn fire. I told him my mast tale of woe and he said he still had the mast hanging from his garage ceiling. He gave me the mast and two sets of sails better than what I had to begin with! I feel strongly this good fortune was from living at the foot of the cross all these years. JW
Toilet: Not all of that is entirely true, I sailed into a pontoon boat that was in my way at the dock across from the cove and lake, my anchor which I had hanging on the pulpit fell onto its deck and I was forced to detach it myself,when the motor proved to lack the horse power to rip the anchor off on its own.I was stone cold sober! Why? Because I had the balls to sail the high seas solo, much like Joshua Slocum. Gaw! Toilet the way you twist stories to make me look like some sort of idiot. I'm not you are, your the idiot! Just think if I was beered up? I would have...I shudder! Lets change the subject, K?
Your brother
Oh, I do need to clear this up. I did not drop an 18 foot mast it was a 28' box spar mast! 28 feet of falling mast, oooooooo!
Note to self: when I have a boat again, keep it well away from Josh!
YOWSA! let's have drunken boat parties!
candace: Even sailors have feelings you know.
CC: Thats a given.
Roxi: Thats a given.
MM: It aint bad work, and there is plenty of it. A man/woman could retire a sailor and never ever have enough time to make their boat ship shape, mainly because they would slowly become the dock rummy and well thats not bad work either.
That looks awesome!!! What kinda world saving weapons are installed on your boat?
Aaah, the life of constantly maintaining a boat. I have enough trouble keeping my legs shaved and my toenails painted. D'you think I'd make it as a sailor?
Blood:Thanks very much. To hatch these plans requires a long gestation the gestation period is facilitated by lounging on the boat doing nothing but serious head thinking about the world and different tactics to save it, all the while making me lots of money from this scheme, err plan.After this is accomplished I may retire. Sailors care, let that be said.
Oh yeah, I have a full barbell set with bench press set up on the bow, I do allot of power lifting and shit on board. I think it gives me an edge, it does however cause the boat to tip forward a great deal and gets in the way of the sails but I dont let this bother me, being an outside of the box thinker anywho. JW
ing: You would make a fine pirate, they were into fancy stuff, of course you would have to buy a puffy shirt and a silk bandana. Yes you would make a fine pirate! You better be a captain so you just bark orders, then you can maintain you well groomed status.
Thats what I do, I power lift weights on the bow and bark orders to the dock rummys. Mend that sail! Replace that steering stick!Put a new CD in the Jam box! Stuff like that.
Sorry - I thought maybe all that power lifting and drinking and sun had given you a toughened outer barnacle-like shell.
Someday when I've sailed more, I'll have all kinds of wrecks to talk about. :-)
Candace: Like Fisherman Sailors live under an unwritten law that allows them to lie to make themselves look better. I need to work on this one eh?
I have sooo many wrecks to talk about. I think I can do it. I think I can let my inner sailor take me out to sea.
ing: You were born with the wind in your sails, let yourself run with the wind, start spinnin' yarns and stuff. Don't let the surly bonds of the truth temper your tale.
Cappy: What a grand idea, we should start a world saving armada (not for profit,wink , wink).
Give now and give often to Captain Carls and My Mules world savin' Armada of peace and world savin'! This could work.
Roxi: So it is written so it shall be done. JW
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