Upland National Enduro 2006
The fellow in the photo below is my brother Charlie Williams ( He prefers to be called Chuckles). He was a strong at the time of this photo 256lb. Nearly 100lbs more than myself once I loose my final eight pounds, he smells like bacon and Pecan Sandies.
This is what I refer to as a test post to see if he reads my blog or is watching Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! and so on in addition to etc. He flew into Indy for a National Enduro;
the first one hosted by the Muddobbers and actually the first enduro we rode some 25 years ago, not a national but our first dyed in the wool enduro. The club was celebrating their 53rd anniversary and well it was a big deal for usins'. Chuckles had his Indy bike ready to go but at the last moment Allen Randt of Enduro Engineering showed up with a bike he sponsors, National #1 Michael Laffertys bike, Michael was injured so Allen let Chuckles ride be like Mikes bike. Nice bike, a handful, fast heavy long wheel base which is not in my judgement the best choice for tight woods but then again Michael has 7 National titles to his name so something is working. Well lets just say I scored much higher than my brother Chuckles and won a fourth place over all plaque for my class 250B. Chuckles garnered an 8th in the open A class so he did not trophy until the club members felt sorry for him and gave him a made up trophy, I think it was safe rider award.
I was on my bike for 6 solid hours without a break other than for gas and when I fell down and smashed me fragile body into a not so fragile tree. I was like rubber I felt like a wishbone that had been soaked in vinegar for a week, I even smelled like a bone soaked in vinegar. Well that’s my story and its all based on fact, which means facts, are tweaked to make me look cool. Kind Regards JW
PS: Thats me on the right #110 if this thing works...

Pecan Sandies huh? I will kill a pan of those ones from the jiffy store. They are bitesize
bostick: he claims they make a remarkable stool,white trash fiber in everybite! I try not to think of such things.
Chuckles: If you are reading this I did not imply you were white trash. I just liked the idea of white trash fiber, you are welcome to use it in your next industry article.
M Toliet: Thats all bullshit, nobody will believe it, they aint fools!
Chuckles, give us something good. Some dirt. ;)
toby: I talked to Chuckles and he admitted he was lying and that he would prefer not to make this and issue any more. I for one respect his wishes so, onto other things like I won a trophy and he had one cobbled together out of spare part trophies! GAW! He also said that his dear sweet innocent little brother did not have skeleton one in his closet. Dictated by Chuckles to JWs sight commander…
I like excitebike. I can build my own track with the big hills and jump off the screen. OFF the screen and stick it!! Boo yow!
bostick: Same thing!I have Erin who is going to guest post this monday if I can get ready and of course proof read all her material, you know how I am a sooo uptight about the right wereds and comas, all int thar palece.
Im sure she will do a killer job. She likes to talk about sex all the time so watch out. Shes a wild cat. Rarrrr
A lad as tender as myself, admits he is scairt.
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