The Bay of Fundy

While I was on my way to the secret clinic just outside of Digby, Nova Scotia (New Scots) to have my ears and nose augmented I snapped a couple of photos at high and low tide on the Bay of Fundy. The photos were taken in New Brunswick at Hopewell Rocks. I reckon the first photo was taken at high tide and the lower photo was taken about 2 hours after low tide (give or take) . I stood on the beach and held up my thumb did some rough calculations in my head. I am guessing when I tell you it was about a 48' tide, I would be offended if you called me a liar. I visited The Bay of Fundy and all you got was this lousy post...Kind Regards JW
I would hate to have to be the landscaper that has to get up on those rocks and trim those trees..
bostick: Yep, certain death. I foget how many pruners die a year there, its an ungodly sum.
I know a dude named Josh Williams that lives here. His dad owns this restaurant and it is the best seafood around..
bostifck: I dig me some fine seafood, why I just had a fish taco yesterday,sublime! Another Josh Willimas? Does he look like Sean Connerys younger better looking brothre except with abnormally large ears and nose?
Interesting, keep up the good work
phats:Thankee. On my ears it was very windy by the bay and my ears, which are not all cartilidge anylonger tended to flap violently in the wind, it sound like a startled bird taking off, from beside me to me it just damn near popped my ear drums , so I am going to have some hurricane straps attached soon. So I guess people stared at my ears more in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia than my nose, or they staired at my ears when the were wondereing what the hell was that flapping noise. I nose stood straigt and strong.
Are you sure it was just your nose and ears that you were having augmented?
Huh? Come on. Fess up.
Erin: OK, I had a reduction which I used for the extra muscle and skin for the augmentation of my ears and nose.I will now be forced to change the name of my blog from My Mule to My Miniture Donkey...
hot shit
Roxi: I could not have said it better myself.
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