I was just talking to Roscoe yesterday and he told me about this cool site that listed A to Z famous monkeys, the list is deep but I did notice Romulus and Remus where missing. Also as I take the critics Diaz I think with a little time and work, more bio information links, photos and this will be "the" place to study famous monkeys.
Click HERE to visit the index....
"Right turn Clyde"
toby:Any which way you want...How did I live before the monkey data base?
Remember when Koko's kitten died? What a tearjerker. Poor, poor Bubbles, though!
I wonder if the site sells a wall chart of this data. It'd be very nice to frame and then hang in one's office.
Wait, do I smell a scheme? One in which you commission me to design and then print said wall chart so that you can make a million dollars and then exploit me, meaning I end up with five percent?
Aw, ferget it.
Monkeys are so cool, they can tumble, so I can relate well to them
ing: Lets not talk about Koko...K?
As for schemes, I am shocked and surprised that you would even consider this was what I was thinking. Now get busy on the final proof I need it for a lecture, not profit just a simple lecture in for the benefit of copyright lawyers.ing you do such good work, just think of all the monkeys this could benefit, how about a % of all after expense profits go to the save the monkey fund, deal?
Phats: Monkeys can tumble? Dang! They are even more special than I thought. I bet I would laugh if I watched one tumble.
you never seen the monkeys at the zoo do gymnastics tricks? Good grief
I don't know, how did you live before the monkey data base?
phats: They keep Monkeys in zoo's? Which ones, I think I'll do what needs to be down and thats spring the little simians. Reintroduce them into everyday society,maybe get a few more involved in politics.
toby: I spent my evenings walking the streets alone, not looking up just walking and thinking. Now I have a life!
is george w bush of the assmonkey variety?
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